Train the trainer
Od 1,181,00 PLN netto
The initial Train the trainer course is designed for Candidates for Instructors.
This course will help to organize your knowledge and skills in areas of teaching adults, design and delivery of training.
The objectives of the course are: development of knowledge and skills in areas of fundamentals of adult’s learning psychology, preparation of training and delivery of training.
After the course you will become familiar with:
- Conditions of adult’s learning – basic information you need to know to be as effective as possible in delivery of training
- Group dynamics – what happens in a group during training, what to do and when, how to cope with difficult participants; feedback and different types of communication
- Training techniques – types of methods and aids with general guidance of their effectiveness
- Training management – basic rules of designing an objective, how to prepare a session, lesson plan, and what to do when you run out of time
- Trainer and individual skills – developing your presentation skills, opening exercises, building the atmosphere and cope with stress
- Training assessment and evaluation – basic information related to preparing your own evaluation or skill/knowledge checks
- There are no prerequisites for this course
Duration: 6-8 hours
Target group: Candidate for Instructor
Detailed Content / Topics:
- Learning principles, learning styles
- Obstacles in a learning process
- Terms of effectiveness of adult’s learning
- Group definition
- Adult’s concerns in a situation of training/learning
- Processes in a group and Instructor’s role
- Types of conflict
- Assertiveness, Communication, Group communication (moderated discussion, review, questions, paraphrase),
- Feedback
- Difficult participant and coping strategies
- Training site and facilities
- Types of training, training methods, training aids
- Defining training objectives
- Structure of training and lesson plan
- Time management
- Non-verbal communication
- Beginning of training – how to start and how to build the right atmosphere
- Competent trainer characteristics
- Individual presentation abilities (voice, eye contact, behaviour, way of speaking, listening skills) and coping with stage
- fright
- Methods of evaluation, types of knowledge and skills check